Friday, April 2, 2010


HIPAA stands for ‘Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act’. HIPAA was started by Congress in 1996 and was produced in two Titles:

· Title I: Title I protects the health insurance coverage of workers and their families when they change or loose job.

· Title II: Title II, also known as ‘Administrative Simplification Provision’. It requires the establishment of national standards for electronic healthcare transactions and national identifiers for Providers, Health Insurance Plans and Employers. Basically it addresses the security and privacy of Health Data.

HIPAA mandates healthcare organizations to implement privacy and security standards when electronically storing and sending healthcare information.

Under Title II, comes the five different rules to protect the healthcare information of an individual:

1. Privacy Rule

2. Transaction Code Set Rule

3. Security Rule (Administration, Physical and Technical)

4. Unique Identifier Rule

5. Enforcement Rule

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